Know Before You Fly!
Your Drone Space
Login Register

UAS Safety Rules

Before you take out your UAS for your first flight take a moment to become familiar with the applicable safety rules

Label Your Drone

Remember to label your unmanned aircraft with your user registration number before heading out to fly.

Public Events

Flying UAS in and around public events is prohibited unless a special permission is issued by GCAA or UAS Operator holds a LUC with appropriate privileges.

Restricted Prohibited and Dangerous areas

Flying UAS within Restricted, Prohibited and Dangerous areas without authorization is not permitted. Use the following link to view information about airspace.

Three main categories of UAS operations

Three main categories of UAS operations are: Open, Specific and Certified. To view detailed requirements of each operation category please visit GCAA web page .

Maps & Apps

An easy-to-use smartphone app that helps unmanned aircraft operators to plan and manage UAS flights will be available soon. The app will contain easy to read maps with accurate and timely information.


Remember to label your UAS with your user registration number before heading out to fly. The number must be on the exterior of your UAS. Labelling should be done in such a way that the user registration number is not easily removed, damaged or deleted.

Airspace Info

To fly safely in the national airspace.


Know Before You Fly!

Open Category

Please click

Specific Category

Please click

Certified Category

Please click


Please click

UAS Class

Please click


Please click

Civial Aviation Agency, Department of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and General Aviation


Georgian Civial Aviation Agency
Address: Tbilisi, beginning of I alley street, Georgia
Phone/Fax: (+995 32) 2 94 80 14
Head of Department.
Mr. Akaki Maisaia
Phone/Fax: (+995 32) 294 80 10 (extension number 106)